Insurance Changes and How They May Affect You
If you have Medicaid, you may have already received or will receive in the near future, a letter from Medicaid asking you to enroll with one of the new insurance carriers, as well as choose a Primary Care Provider (PCP), for the new Medicaid program.
Not all of the new carriers have Rainbow Pediatrics’ providers listed. We are currently working with the insurance carriers, and our Medicaid network, to resolve this error.
We are contracted with ALL of the carriers listed below.
1. Healthy Blue
2. WellCare of North Carolina
3. UnitedHealthcare Community Plan
4. Carolina Complete Health
5. AmeriHealth Caritas North Carolina, Inc.
6. Medicaid (may be referred to Direct Medicaid)
This is important because you don’t have to go elsewhere for your child to receive the same high-quality pediatric care you have come to expect from Rainbow Pediatrics.
When enrolling, if your child’s specific pediatric provider isn’t on the site, but another one of our providers is, you can select that provider and still see your usual provider. (Search by provider’s name, not the group’s name)
The website is for your convenience. You may view our pediatric providers by clicking here.
If you experience any issues finding a specific Rainbow Pediatrics’ provider when enrolling, give Tammy Clark or Heather Robins a call at (910) 486-5437.
Tammy Clark
Practice Administrator