allergy treatment
North Carolina is known for many things: basketball, bbq, great beaches, beautiful mountains, and, well, allergies. Historically, the treatment of choice for allergies was to take over-the-counter or prescription allergy medication. If you were particularly proactive, allergy shots were another option. But they are shots, and many kids were resistant – despite their parent’s good […]
READ MORE »The longer, warmer days of spring have a way of drawing even the most screen-focused children to the out of doors. Yet, when the seemingly fresh air regularly leads to itchy eyes, runny noses, and sneezing, it can feel like game over for some kids. Sadly, while the budding trees and blooming flowers do add […]
READ MORE »Allergies can be downright miserable for the person suffering from them. They feel like having a cold, causing symptoms such as sneezing, a running nose, and fatigue. Allergies affect a child’s ability to focus in school, resulting in missed school days, as well as limiting their ability to enjoy time with family and friends. Knowing […]
READ MORE »Have you ever noticed that your allergies are worse after a rainstorm? When our cars are coated with yellow pollen, we look forward to the rain washing it away. But before that happens, pollen particles burst open and release more particles into the air. As rain switches to sun, plants release more pollen, thanks to […]
READ MORE »We want our kids to be healthy, and we work hard to protect them from things that can cause them harm. Many parents worry about their kids developing allergies because they know that it is a significant contributor to sick days at school. Allergies can also be life-threatening. Check out the six most common questions […]
READ MORE »When allergies strike, everyone suffers. Especially when they occur in young children. From missed work days to missed school days, allergies can wreak havoc, often for life. The most common symptoms of allergies in kids include chronic coughs, colds, red, watery, or itchy eyes, asthma, recurrent ear infections, eczema, chronic sinus infections, runny or congested […]
READ MORE »The sniffling, sneezing and rashes caused by the onslaught of unknown allergies can bring a child to tears – literally and figuratively. Finding out the cause of your child’s discomfort is something most parents are eager to learn, yet unsure of the best way to do so. Allergies are the primary cause of chronic nasal […]