Rainbow Pediatrics
Fayetteville Office
1327 Robeson St.
Fayetteville, NC 28305
(910) 486-5437
Fayetteville Office
341 S. McPherson Church Rd
Fayetteville, NC 28303
(910) 920-4428
Hope Mills Office
4469 S. Main St.
Hope Mills, NC 28348
(910) 426-5430
Raeford Office
142 Paraclete Dr.
Raeford, NC 28376
(910) 904-0404

birth defects

It’s natural to want to have a healthy pregnancy. It’s National Birth Defects Awareness Month, a time when we work together to increase understanding and prevention of birth defects. This issue is an important one, as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 1 in every 33 babies in the United States is born […]


When dreaming about having a baby, we yearn for a healthy, full-term infant. While some birth defects cannot be prevented, others can. Some things can be done to prepare the body for a healthy pregnancy. The challenge, however, is making sure women know precisely how and when they should get their body ready for having […]


A healthy child is something every parent wishes for. Yet 1 in every 33 babies born in the U.S. has a birth defect and 20% of birth defects cause death. Birth defects occur within the first 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, so it is important to take preventative measures prior to conceiving. While many birth defects […]