Newborn babies have a lot to process. Everything’s new, so they have very few strategies in place when it comes to coping with issues like hunger, discomfort, pain, stress, and other unknown stimuli. So, they cry. This is when we as parents spring to attention. In doing so, we strive to comfort our babies through […]
READ MORE »After all that waiting, your baby is finally here. They are your whole heart, and you want nothing more than to keep them safe and healthy. Knowing what to watch out for can help you navigate this very new and exciting time. Here are five of the most common conditions seen in newborns. Gas Imagine […]
READ MORE »Laura’s beautiful new baby boy is the apple of her eye. How peaceful his precious face looks when asleep. That is until he reached two weeks of age and everything changed. During the day he acted like a normal infant, however at night he was inconsolable. He would cry for hours at a time and […]
READ MORE »Being a parent is a big responsibility and with it comes many questions. Unfortunately, babies do not come with manuals so it is often up to the pediatric providers to provide the answers to many important questions. Here are the five most frequently asked questions we receive, as pediatricians, from new parents.