eye exam
It is hard to imagine that the perfect little person you created can have anything wrong with them. To ensure their optimal health you take them to all of their well-child examinations with the pediatrician. You also take them to the dentist every six months for a cleaning and examination. You even start taking them […]
READ MORE »Pencils, notebooks, scissors and crayons are filling the backpacks of millions of Americans in preparation for the start of a new school year. One thing that many children are lacking, however, can dramatically affect their academic performance.
READ MORE »Just as in oncology, psychology, and other medical disciplines, children require their own set of specialists to diagnose concerns. For children’s eye concerns, a pediatric ophthalmologist is often your best solution. The AAP recommends pediatric eye exams or vision screenings for children before they begin school. Vision screenings will help combat early onset of eye diseases […]