healthy eating tips for kids
You’ve heard the adage, “you are what you eat.” While eating that candy bar or bag of chips sounds good when you are hungry, the way the food makes you feel afterward is an important consideration. It is harder to change habits as we age – but it is possible. Your toddler’s brain is growing […]
READ MORE »Let’s face it; most humans, even the little ones, love sweet and savory foods. It is our job as parents to teach children the benefits of eating nutritious foods from a young age and before their sweet minds are shown the “dark side” from their friends at school. Yes, brainwash those little sweeties into becoming […]
READ MORE »Whether your child has always been picky, or has recently developed an aversion to certain healthy food choices they previously enjoyed, feeding these kids can be challenging for any parent. The CDC recently reported that 1 in 3 or approximately 34% of children and adolescents ages 2-19 eat fast food on a given day. […]