lactation consultant
Breastfeeding is a special time for bonding and nurturing that moms should embrace if possible. It is also a time for learning as each child nurses differently and can pose different challenges. Here are some of the most common breastfeeding challenges moms face and how to overcome them. Poor latching – Latching refers to the […]
READ MORE »For some, breastfeeding comes quite natural. For others, it can be challenging. Many things can happen to derail breastfeeding success. However, rather than giving up, it is crucial for mothers to get help. In honor of national breastfeeding month, we wanted to share five tips to help mothers everywhere have the most significant chance of […]
READ MORE »According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 79% of new mothers breastfed their newborns. While this number is on the rise, the amount of time mothers continue to breastfeed is shorter than recommended. Here are the top five reasons many mothers quit breastfeeding and how to overcome them.
READ MORE »Many women looked forward to the bonding experience they anticipate having while nursing their child. They understand that it will take some getting used to it and are prepared for the task. Once their baby is born, however, some find breastfeeding to be a painful experience. If you or someone you know is experiencing pain […]
READ MORE »Just relax: the most vital piece of advice breastfeeding veterans have for a new mom. That’s probably easier said than done for them. But what other advice could a “newbie”follow for breastfeeding effectiveness?