pediatric skin cancer
Summer is finally here, and so are long, sunny days, trips to the beach, and lots and lots of time outside. And this is any parent’s dream. And while we want to encourage our kids to spend as much time outdoors as possible, it is critical to their health to be lathered up in sunscreen […]
READ MORE »Revered by many as a sign of health, a tan complexion can actually be deadly. For hundreds of years – in fact, up until the mid 20th century, fair skin was preferred. This change in preference is one of the leading causes for skin cancer rates drastically growing each year. Yet, sun-seekers aren’t the only […]
READ MORE »As parents, we would do just about anything for our children. Imagine if you could prevent your child from developing the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in 15-29 year olds? Well you can! Skin cancer is not just something adults get; children can get it too, and it can be deadly.