respiratory syncytial virus
Children get sick. That is something we can expect. We also expect children to recover. For the past 2 ½ years, we’ve learned to listen to specific cues of illness, fearing it may be COVID-19. But another illness is packing pediatric hospital beds throughout North Carolina. Its name is RSV or respiratory syncytial virus, and […]
READ MORE »We are all on heightened alert amid the outbreak of the delta variant of COVID-19. Cases are on the rise, and while those who have been vaccinated are less likely to result in severe illness and hospitalization, parents are more cautious – and wisely so—especially parents of children not yet able to receive the vaccine. […]
READ MORE »Born at 26 weeks, Andrew and Annie have spent a large portion of their first year of life inside a hospital. Their parents are mindful individuals who do what they can to keep the kids healthy. They limit their exposure to people who are sick and elected to have the twins receive palivizumab (Synagis), a […]
READ MORE »Evan’s parents love him dearly. Despite his premature birth, Evan is a thriving four month old. That is until he caught a cold from his older sister. Evan’s cough and cold symptoms rapidly worsened and he began having difficulty breathing. Concerned for Evan’s well-being, his parents took him to the pediatrician and learned that he […]
READ MORE »Despite the unusually warm winter we are experiencing, our smallest family members remain at risk for getting sick, and one bug in particular can land them in the emergency room. RSV, or Respiratory Syncytial Virus is a highly contagious respiratory virus that can often lead to infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract and […]