You’ve heard the adage, “you are what you eat.” While eating that candy bar or bag of chips sounds good when you are hungry, the way the food makes you feel afterward is an important consideration. It is harder to change habits as we age – but it is possible. Your toddler’s brain is growing […]
READ MORE »Let’s face it; most humans, even the little ones, love sweet and savory foods. It is our job as parents to teach children the benefits of eating nutritious foods from a young age and before their sweet minds are shown the “dark side” from their friends at school. Yes, brainwash those little sweeties into becoming […]
READ MORE »The sniffling, sneezing and rashes caused by the onslaught of unknown allergies can bring a child to tears – literally and figuratively. Finding out the cause of your child’s discomfort is something most parents are eager to learn, yet unsure of the best way to do so. Allergies are the primary cause of chronic nasal […]
READ MORE »Making the annual trek to the pediatrician’s office for a well-child checkup is an important part of maintaining your child’s overall health. Not only does it allow the pediatric provider a chance to monitor their physical health and development, while immunizing them against certain diseases and illnesses, it also provides an opportunity to assess their cognitive […]
READ MORE »Our children are born with perfect, beautiful skin. So when the telltale signs of eczema appear in the form of red, itchy patches, we seek to find the cause and a permanent solution. Yet many parents do not know how to permanently treat their child’s eczema so they resolve to manage it.
READ MORE »The goal of most parents is to raise children that have a positive self-image and are healthy. Yet, many find this challenging in such a media and appearance-centric society. Children are mistakenly learning at a very young age that the outer appearance is what matters. The impact this line of thinking has on young minds […]
READ MORE »Summer is the perfect time to explore the outdoors. In North Carolina, we are fortunate to have access to great lakes, rivers and the ocean. The sad truth though, is that drowning is the leading cause of injury-related death in children age 1-4 and the third leading cause of injury-related death in children ages 19 […]
READ MORE »Sleep, everyone needs it, but most don’t get enough. According to the National Sleep Foundation, nearly 70 percent of children under age 10 experience some type of sleep problem. While child sleep needs vary by age, close to 80 percent of 11-17 year olds get less than the recommended amount of sleep.