Five Tips to Make the Most out of a Well-Child Checkup
Making the annual trek to the pediatrician’s office for a well-child checkup is an important part of maintaining your child’s overall health. Not only does it allow the pediatric provider a chance to monitor their physical health and development, while immunizing them against certain diseases and illnesses, it also provides an opportunity to assess their cognitive and social development.According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the following schedule should be followed for well-child examinations:
In order to ensure your next well-child checkup goes smoothly and all of your questions and concerns are addressed, we have provided the following five tips.
- Download and complete the appropriate Bright Futures Questionnaire based on the age of your child. Each questionnaire is designed to address important health related topics specific to their current age as well as what they can expect over the next twelve months.
- Take the time to write down any questions or concerns you may have about your child’s health. Writing them down beforehand helps ensure you do not forget to ask anything while at their appointment. Be sure to let the pediatrician know if there are any changes in their mood or behavior or if they are having any trouble at school.
- Prepare your child for the appointment by talking to them about it ahead of time. Let them know what to expect during their upcoming visit. If they are due for immunizations, prepare them so they are not surprised during the appointment. It is also important that the child understand that the pediatrician is checking them to make sure their whole body is healthy. This will help alleviate any fears they may have about immunizations or other aspects of the appointment.
- Be prepared to answer questions about your child’s development. A great way to know what milestones they should be experiencing is by reviewing a developmental milestones chart. The AAP website has the developmental milestones broken down by age. You can view by clicking here.
- Know what to expect during the appointment. A typical well-child exam will not only include a physical examination, the pediatric provider will also ask questions that address their cognitive, social, safety and overall lifestyle habits.
Your child’s health and wellbeing are important to us. For more pediatric health tips visit Rainbow Pediatrics online. If your child is due for their well-child checkup, call us at 910-486-5437 today to schedule.