What to Do if Your Baby Has Recurrent Diaper Rash
Diaper rashes can not only be unsightly but also downright painful for your sweet baby. There are various reasons why diaper rashes may continue to be a problem. This blog dives into the most common causes of diaper rashes and what you can do to address the potential problem.
- Antibiotics – if your baby has been prescribed antibiotics, they are at a greater risk for developing diaper rash. Antibiotics can cause two different types of diaper rash.
- Diarrhea rash: Antibiotics kill the good and bad bacteria in the gut, which can cause diarrhea. When loose stools are eliminated, they often contain more digestive enzymes, which, when in contact with a baby’s delicate skin, can cause irritation and a rash.
- Yeast rash: When antibiotics kill the beneficial gut bacteria, an overgrowth of yeast called candida can occur, leading to a yeast diaper rash. Oral thrush, which appears as white spots on the gums, lips, tongue, roof of mouth, and inside the cheeks, often accompanies a yeast diaper rash. Thrush is contagious, and nursing babies can quickly pass it on to their mothers, so be sure to see your pediatrician as soon as possible to get this addressed.
- Switched the brand of diapers or wipes – Most babies can tolerate dyes, fragrances, or preservatives found in diapers. If your baby has an issue with diaper rashes, they may be allergic to the diapers or wipes you use. Try switching to hypoallergenic wipes or diapers designed for sensitive skin and see if the rash clears.
- Baby is new to solid foods – The change in the digestive system when a baby first starts solid foods can irritate the gut and temporarily change the frequency and content of bowel movements. These changes can irritate the baby’s sensitive skin and cause diaper rash.
- Infrequent diaper changes—Keeping your baby clean and dry is essential to preventing diaper rash. Change your baby’s diaper frequently, especially after a bowel movement. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing the diaper area when cleaning it. Apply a barrier cream such as petroleum jelly or zinc oxide to help protect against moisture and irritation.
- Cloth diaper cleaning – If cloth diapers aren’t laundered sufficiently, they can irritate the baby’s skin and lead to diaper rash. In addition, harsh chemicals used in detergents and fabric softeners can cause diaper rash. Instead, skip the fabric softener and choose a hypoallergenic detergent. Presoak heavily soiled diapers, use hot water, and double rinse each batch of dirty diapers to ensure they are clean.
- Diapers (or clothes) are too tight—Dampness near the skin can cause diaper rash. If your baby’s diaper is too tight, it limits airflow and can cause rubbing and irritation. If you notice red marks on your baby’s skin, fasten the diaper more loosely or change it to a larger size.
Dealing with recurrent diaper rash can be challenging, but it is treatable. Consult with your pediatric provider to discuss how best to treat your child’s diaper rash. They may prescribe medicated cream or ointment. If you have any questions or concerns, we are here to help. Call our nurse advice line or schedule an appointment today.