Have you ever noticed that your allergies are worse after a rainstorm? When our cars are coated with yellow pollen, we look forward to the rain washing it away. But before that happens, pollen particles burst open and release more particles into the air. As rain switches to sun, plants release more pollen, thanks to […]
READ MORE »Suzanne’s perfect baby boy’s little bottom looks like someone ran their fingernails across it. His diaper rash is so bad Suzanne doesn’t know how her baby tolerates wearing a diaper. If you have ever been in this situation you can appreciate the concern Suzanne feels. Knowing remedies for preventing and treating diaper rash can help […]
READ MORE »Disruption in the classroom is often attributed to behavior problems or poor parenting, but it may actually stem from the inability to see the blackboard (or whiteboard). An article by NBC News notes that poor vision is one of the five primary reasons why kids drop out of school. The American Academy of Pediatrics names […]
READ MORE »When it comes to our kids, some parents know when something isn’t right. And when it comes to autism, receiving a diagnosis after months or even years of suspicion reaffirms this instinct. For others, the signs aren’t as clear for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the child doesn’t show characteristic signs or the parents do […]
READ MORE »We want our kids to share. We proclaim the importance of it. But when it comes to sharing, there are a few exceptions. This includes conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye. Viral and Bacterial Conjunctivitis Explained There are several types of pink eye, but the one that can wreak havoc in schools are viral and […]
READ MORE »Most parents would agree that sleeping well and having a baby doesn’t go hand in hand. While the sleep disturbances that parents experience are challenging, they are also temporary. The most effective way to ensure good sleep habits are formed is to begin early. Here are some tips to help you better understand infant sleep […]
READ MORE »Look around your kid’s school or sports team. Now count each child or teen, one through five, repeating until you have counted them all. Every fifth person should stand apart from the others. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, as many as 20% or 1 in 5 teens experience depression at some point during […]
READ MORE »Immunizations are a safe and effective way to prevent many diseases. Since vaccines were developed, the number of disease outbreaks in the US has plummeted. Pockets of outbreaks can occur when people who are healthy choose not to vaccinate. For a small percentage of our population, the MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccine is not […]
READ MORE »Proper nutrition is critical for a growing baby. We believe that breastfeeding is the best source of nutrition for infants, but realize that some parents are unable to feed their child this way. Formula is a safe alternative to breastfeeding. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends iron-fortified formulas that are made from cow’s milk. Cow’s […]
READ MORE »Our health is our wealth. A familiar phrase, yet the significance of health cannot be truly appreciated until faced with a serious illness. Some illnesses cannot be prevented, but others can. If there is no greater wealth than our health, it is critical to understand the life-saving measures that are available to us, specifically immunizations. […]
READ MORE »Fevers happen to everyone. A fever is a sign that there is another problem within the body. While a fever is usually a sign of an infection, there are other causes as well. For example, babies can run fevers by being overdressed, which raises their body temperatures. Fevers can also happen as a reaction to […]
READ MORE »Sara’s parents were happy that she was doing so well in her new school. Each day Sara came home and told them about the new friends she made and that she was happy. Then Sara stopped talking about school. She stopped talking about her friends. She stopped sharing news about her day. Concerned, her parents […]
READ MORE »A sick or injured child can create considerable anxiety for even the most experienced parents. Depending on the severity of symptoms, time of day or day of the week, parents often find themselves wondering if they should take their child to the urgent care or the pediatrician. The walk-in clinic model of urgent care centers […]
READ MORE »‘Tis the season for congestion, runny noses, sore throats, and fevers. While winter illnesses are to be expected, it is nice to know what to be on the lookout for and how to protect your family best this season. Here are a few of the most common illnesses we are seeing. Upper Respiratory (Tract) Infection […]
READ MORE »Born at 26 weeks, Andrew and Annie have spent a large portion of their first year of life inside a hospital. Their parents are mindful individuals who do what they can to keep the kids healthy. They limit their exposure to people who are sick and elected to have the twins receive palivizumab (Synagis), a […]
READ MORE »For some, breastfeeding comes quite natural. For others, it can be challenging. Many things can happen to derail breastfeeding success. However, rather than giving up, it is crucial for mothers to get help. In honor of national breastfeeding month, we wanted to share five tips to help mothers everywhere have the most significant chance of […]
READ MORE »We want our kids to be healthy, and we work hard to protect them from things that can cause them harm. Many parents worry about their kids developing allergies because they know that it is a significant contributor to sick days at school. Allergies can also be life-threatening. Check out the six most common questions […]
READ MORE »When allergies strike, everyone suffers. Especially when they occur in young children. From missed work days to missed school days, allergies can wreak havoc, often for life. The most common symptoms of allergies in kids include chronic coughs, colds, red, watery, or itchy eyes, asthma, recurrent ear infections, eczema, chronic sinus infections, runny or congested […]
READ MORE »Tick and other insect-borne illnesses have more than tripled, according to a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) 13-year study. Three ticks are found in North Carolina: the American Dog Tick, the Lone Star Tick, and the Blacklegged Tick. The Blacklegged tick, also known as the deer tick, is what spreads Lyme disease. Lyme disease accounts […]
READ MORE »Having a headache, regardless of age, can be distracting and quite painful. Often they are caused by things like dehydration, allergies, sleep issues, too much screen time, or stress. However, just like adults, some kids are prone to frequent headaches or headaches that last a long time.